Artist and Writer, Aesop Rhim
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Book by Aesop Rhim

New book by Aesop Rhim
Christian Faith Publishing (2017)

... more information on this book

Prayer for Peace
(The Saga of Korean War Survivor)

News release
Author Aesop Rhim's newly released "Prayer for Peace: The Saga of a Korean War Survivor" is one man's story of how his faith turned his war experiences into forgiveness and peace activism...
~ Christian Faith Publishing
         ... read full press release

Book review
"Prayer for peace: The Saga of A Korean War Survivor by Aesop Rhim is a breathtaking memoir that dramatizes the heartbreaking past (and current reality) of the divided Korean people. The story is told with a keen eye for detail, convincing emotional depth, and cinematic visualization, taking the reader on a voyage of human suffering, resilience, and hope, all together enriched by an overarching sincerity of profound faith and an inspiring hope for peace. Highly recommended! ~ Avraham Azrieli,
      ... read full review



Past Exhibitions by Aesop Rhim

Artist, Aesop Rhim
Cool Globes Exhibition (2007 & 2008)

Click the links below to view the exhibition works

Prayer for Peace Exhibitions (2011)

The Art of Peace Exhibitions (2009)

Cool Globes Exhibition (2007 & 2008)

Aesop's Art for Peace (2006)

Peace and Art Exhibition (2005)

Aesop Rhim's Art Retrospective

Video Clips

Artist's Statement

Artist's Resume

Prayer for Peace Art Exhibition (2011) - View the photos from the Exhibitions

"The Art of Peace" Exhibition (2009)  - View the photos from the Exhibitions

Hermann Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology
3241 South Federal Street, Chicago, IL 60616

Aesop graduated from Institute of Design, IIT in 1970 and has had a strong  professional career in art for past 40 years. Illinois Institute of Technology honored him as one of 2009 Professional Achievement Award Recipients. In Conjunction with the Awards Ceremony, Aesop shared his art of peace with his alma mater.

"Cool Globes Exhibitions (2007 & 2008) - View the photos from the Exhibitions

“Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet” is an innovative project that uses the medium of public art to inspire individuals and organizations to take action against global warming.

Initial Exhibition -   Chicago Exhibition
Touring Exhibition   -   Washington DC Exhibition

Exhibition in Chicago

Exhibition in Washington DC

Aesop's Art for Peace (2006) - View the photos from the exhibition

PEACE and ART (2005) - View the photos from the exhibition




Contact - Aesop Rhim
Phone 773-263-3151



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